Property Investment Seminar
【VIP 私人晚會】分析布吉度假城市的投資升值潛力 - Sudara
與蘭桂坊集團主席盛智文博士共進 VIP 私人晚宴
場地: 中環蘭桂坊德己立街30-32號加州大廈24樓Aria
活動費用: 全免,但需預先登記*

盛智文博士, 大紫荊勳賢, GBS, JP
盛智文博士是蘭桂坊集團主席,也是香港最熱門旅遊娛樂區之一 — 蘭桂坊的主要地產業主和發展商。在盛博士的帶領下,蘭桂坊集團的足跡已然遍佈整個大中華區,包括成都、深圳、廣州等主要城市。除了大中華區以外,盛智文博士在過去20年裡,與他的泰國合作夥Paradise Property Group攜手,成為布吉島奢華房產開發和理領域的重要力量,包括獲獎無數的安達拉別墅度假村、安達拉Signature超奢華住宅別墅等。蘭桂坊集團也與盈科大衍地產發展有限公司(Pacific Century Premium Developments Limited)共同開發了泰國攀牙府Aquella項目。
把握與盛智文博士交流的獨家機會! !
【VIP 私人晚會】分析布吉度假城市的投資升值潛力 – Sudara
日期: 2024年10月24日 (四)
時間: 6:30pm – 9pm
場地: 中環蘭桂坊德己立街30-32號加州大廈24樓Aria
活動費用: 全免,但需預先登記*
**活動需要提前登記,恕不招待無登記人士。 成功登記後,我們的客戶關係經理會盡快聯絡您並確實出席時段。

發展商 | Princess Villa Ltd, Lan Kwai Fong Group |
地點 | Thalang District, Phuket, Thailand |
業權 | 海外投資者可享永久業權 |
大廈 | 3棟6層公寓大樓共 220 個單位 |
單位類型 | 1房至3房 |
預計落成 | Q4 2026年* |
預計租金匯報 | 預計租金回報可高達8% - 10% p.a. * |
售價 | 由港幣2,200,000*起 |
交樓標準 | 備基本裝潢及設備 |
會所設施 | 50米泳池、健身房、瑜珈露台、戶外多功能區、分層池畔休閒咖啡廳等。 |

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*Disclaimer: Rental yield is projected but not guaranteed. Price and travel time are for reference only. Terms & conditions apply. Advertised images are computer generated renderings and are for reference only. The information, text, photos contained herein are provided solely for the convenience of interested parties and no warranty or representation as to their accuracy, correctness or completeness is made by Asia Bankers Club or the sellers, none of whom shall have any liability or obligation with respect thereto. These offerings are made subject to contract, correction of errors, omissions, prior sales, change of price or terms or withdrawal from the market without notice. Information provided is for reference only and does not constitute all or any part of a contract. Asia Bankers Club and its representatives work exclusively in relation to properties outside Hong Kong and are not required to be nor are licensed under the Estate Agents Ordinance (Cap. 511 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to deal with properties situated in Hong Kong.